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    העגלה שלך

    בחזרה לחנות

    עיצוב: Bodasher Studio
    פיתוח: Eli Cohen

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    האגם הגווע

    Regular price 180 ₪
    Regular price Sale price 180 ₪
    • DOLL

    A satirical look at patriarchal ownership, dehumanization, and sexual objectification when middle-aged virgin buys a sex-doll.

    Doll is celebrated cartoonist Guy Colwell’s (Inner City Romance) darkly satirical take on patriarchal ownership, dehumanization, and sexual objectification. When an artist crafts a lifelike sex doll for a disfigured, middle-aged virgin, it soon takes on a lurid life of its own. Like an erotic Frankenstein’s monster, the mannequin brings out the basest instincts in each person it crosses paths with. Black & white illustrations.

    • DOLL