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    עיצוב: Bodasher Studio
    פיתוח: Eli Cohen

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    2000 AD December 2021 Prog Pack

    האגם הגווע

    Regular price 130 ₪
    Regular price Sale price 130 ₪
    • 2000 AD December 2021 Prog Pack

    Incredible SF action from the Eisner-nominated UK anthology!

    The last two regular issues of the year wrap up the storylines - Sensitive Klegg puts on a show no one will forget in Judge Dredd: The Musical; the Martian war reaches its climax in Scarlet Traces: Storm Front; The Diaboliks battle an alliance of villains in 'London Calling'; Cyd is on the run again in The Out; and Dexter has dino-trouble and more.

    • 2000 AD December 2021 Prog Pack