- החנות פתוחה ~ שיטוט נעים
- החנות פתוחה ~ שיטוט נעים
- החנות פתוחה ~ שיטוט נעים
- החנות פתוחה ~ שיטוט נעים
- החנות פתוחה ~ שיטוט נעים

עיצוב: Bodasher Studio
פיתוח: Eli Cohen
Get immersed in the definitive visual history of pulp fiction paperbacks from 1940 to 1970.
The Art of Pulp Fiction: An Illustrated History of Vintage Paperbacks chronicles the history of pocket-sized paperbound books designed for mass-market consumption, specifically concentrating on the period from 1940 to 1970.
These three decades saw paperbacks eclipse cheap pulp magazines and expensive clothbound books as the most popular delivery vehicle for escapist fiction. To catch the eyes of potential buyers they were adorned with covers that were invariably vibrant, frequently garish, and occasionally lurid. Today the early paperbacks--like the earlier pulps, inexpensively produced and considered disposable by casual readers--are treasured collector's items.