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    העגלה שלך

    בחזרה לחנות

    עיצוב: Bodasher Studio
    פיתוח: Eli Cohen

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    האגם הגווע

    Regular price 85 ₪
    Regular price Sale price 85 ₪
    • Homunculus

    Eisner-nominated for best graphic album, this new edition of Homunculus from Annie award-winning (Amphibia) animator and cartoonist, Joe Sparrow, comes with a new cover and bonus process pages.

    A young scientist builds a new artificial intelligence called Daisy, with the aim of teaching it to understand the world around them better. But then the world ends… and, encased in a machine, Daisy is left alone to carry on throughout the years, not really knowing what has happened and still struggling to understand and be understood.

    A story about love and learning, death and time, told across the years.

    • Homunculus