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    עיצוב: Bodasher Studio
    פיתוח: Eli Cohen

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    Slanted Magazine #42—Books

    האגם הגווע

    Regular price 135 ₪
    Regular price Sale price 135 ₪
    • Slanted Magazine #42—Books

    Slanted Magazine #42—Books is a magazine about books. Every day, people ponder whether the future of the (printed) book is tied to its sensual quality. How can beautiful books secure their place in the media and society? How are content, medium, and form interconnected? Is manufacturing and design quality, in addition to its functionality, simply to be understood as a marketing argument?

    In this edition, Slanted Publishers delves deeper into books that are pushing boundaries, moving beyond traditional norms, and rediscovering their essence. The belief is that genuine reading encompasses more than mere skimming; it involves understanding, grasping, and engaging in creative thinking. The value placed on the tactile experience of holding a book, flipping through its pages, setting it aside, and seamlessly resuming the reading is immense. It’s an experience cherished by many, one that defines the true essence of books.

    Slanted Publishers emphasizes the resurgence of book reading as a significant trend, especially for those seeking enduring experiences and embracing multi-dimensional thinking. This edition showcases books that venture off the beaten path, departing from traditional conventions, and advocates for timeless book designs where the content shapes the form.

    To commemorate the magazine’s release, Slanted Publishers has introduced a limited special edition, which includes a set of pencils from Viarco, the oldest pencil factory in Portugal. Make a statement with this and become part of the BK LVRS!

    • Slanted Magazine #42—Books